
Here at Ridgedale our desire is to see college students meaningfully connect to Christ and His church by encountering Christ, equipping disciples, and engaging the nations.

Ridgedale College logo

We seek to be a community that disciples, supports, and encourages one another to grow in our relationship with Jesus while seeing those far from Jesus come into a personal, saving relationship with Him. We want our college students to leave with more than just a degree.

Listed below are some of the ways we’d love to connect with you through our weekly programming.

College Community Groups: Sundays at 10:00 am

Our College Ministry meets weekly on Sunday mornings at 10:00am in our college ministry room (between the two services) for Bible study, prayer, and community. We often break into smaller groups and explore God’s Word together. This semester learn how to study the Bible for ourselves as well as how we can share our faith with others. Afterwards, head in with your friends to either our traditional or Encounter (contemporary) services as we worship corporately as the Church!

College Men’s & Women’s Home Group Bible Studies

Join us on Wednesday nights beginning January 15 for our college ministry home group Bible studies. These gender-specific groups allow space for deep community and spiritual growth. Our Men’s group will walk through the book Questioning Evangelism by Randy Newman about how we can engage other’s hearts how Jesus did. Our Women’s group will be continue studying through Gentle & Lowly by Dane Ortlund to learn Jesus’ heart for us in the midst of weakness and imperfection. Each group will meet weekly at 7:30pm. For the specific address of your group, please email our College Pastor at

College Prayer Night: Sunday, February 2 at 6pm

Join us for this opportunity to pray with one another as we host Pray Chattanooga to guide us through a prayer time together!

Meet Our College Pastor:
Alan Denton

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