
Josh Powell

Young Pro Pastor

Ridgedale has been my church home since 2006 when I was in middle school. Since then I’ve played in the worship band, helped with youth, college ministry, and then the Young Professional ministry full time in 2023. I attended Lee University for my undergrad and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for my M.Div. Ever since High School I’ve felt a strong desire to serve God’s people. God has been very gracious to me and I want to help display that. 

Before working at Ridgedale I worked in the Information Systems industry. During the COVID pandemic I worked at a local hospital as a trauma Chaplain. I don’t miss the 24 hour shifts or on-call nights, but I love the work we accomplished and am honored to have served in that unique setting.

I met my wife, Caroline, here a few years ago and we’ve been married since January 2024!

I regularly blog here.