At Ridgedale, we love our Senior Adults and recognize the important role they play in our church’s spiritual health and vitality.
We value our Seniors because of their faithfulness, godly wisdom, and self-sacrificing lifestyles. They also serve our church in acting as a generational bridge, connecting our younger members to our church’s rich history, reminding us that no matter the stage of life, every member is vitally important to the family of Ridgedale. Most of all, we appreciate our Seniors for their example of unwavering commitment to Christ and His church.
Here are some of the many ways that you can become involved in this fantastic ministry:
- Community Groups (Click to learn more)
- Discipleship Groups (Click to learn more)
- Women On Mission – Service Group
- Quilts of Valor – Veteran Ministry
- Deacons Ministry
- Homebound Ministry
- Ladies Bible Study: Thursday’s at 9am
- Retreats and Field Trips: 2-3 Times a Year
- Senior Adult Lunch: First Tuesday of the Month at 11:30 in the Ridgedale Room. (Food, Fellowship, Entertainment, and Bible Study.)
- Choir and Orchestra: Contact

Meet Our Senior Adult Pastor:
Jeremy Griggs
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